Thank you for taking time to sit down with us. Can we start with telling us your name?
Korey Wiedemayer
Ok Korey, tell us when you started playing Dungeons & Dragons and when did you start DMing games?
I started playing AD&D back in 1985 and have been DM/GMing for almost as long…….Wowzers.
That is a …math..math..math, 38 years!! Wowzers indeed!! Do you remember what you played back then?
My first Character would have been a Dual classed human Cleric/Mage…..Ohh the good old days, now I have a love of playing Dwarven Cleric.
So if you were a D&D character you would be a Dwarven Cleric ?
Best Race/class ever!
Fair enough. So what would you say is your favorite Dungeons and Dragons book?
My favorite D&D book would have to be a AD&D Module: Dungeon Module T1 The Village of Hommlet.
Ill have to look that one up. Now for a question every D&D player gets asked. How many sets of dice do you own?
Ha! I own at least 10 or more sets of dice, not including my 150 to 200 (couch dice), these being dice that have been lost in my furniture by many players over the years, they may include some sets as well.
Do you have a favorite monster you like to bring in to your campaigns?
My favorite monsters would have to be stirge’s, as I have had a greater than average success rate of killing players with them, they are the monster that I like to use to force players to learn to actually run away.
Not to self never trust a DM with stirge. Ok lets wrap up with one more question. Can you tell us what you love/hate about being a Dungeon Master?
As a DM I absolutely detest min-maxers, and love the role player types of players, I always like to make the story flow in a game, and have been known to build my game that way, I have friends that to this day 20 or more years later, recount the adventures of their characters, and use their character’s names as passwords and stuff…..these things are truly what inspire me to continue to DM.
That all sounds amazing…well all except the Stirges…Thank you again for taking time and answering questions. We are looking forward to seeing you on the D&D weekend.