
Well year 2 and we have more and more players coming which means we need more Dungeon Masters! Thankfully I am surrounded by some of the most charismatic, creative fantasy storytellers in the world! So with out further ado…

Hello fellow awesome nerd, lets skip the secret handshake and get right in to the interview. Please go ahead and introduce yourself.

I am Michael, my friends call me Sindri and you, my fellow “nerd” will be my friend, so call me Sindri.

Sweet first name moniker with a DM, that’s gotta be worth at least on re roll of a critical fail. Ok Sindri tells us how long have you been playing D&D?

So long ago that I can hardly recall a time that I did not play. I do recall a red box with blue dice that you had to colour in the numbers with a crayon.

Im not even sure how to put a number to that, lets just say it was sometime after bell bottom jeans but before the Rubik’s cube. So when you are running a game do you have a preferred setting or realm you like to play in?

My stories typically take place in settings that come from deep within the shadows of my own mind. So mostly homebrew, but I have told stories from forgotten realms to spelljammer.

And how would you describe yourself as a Dungeon Master? What can players expect when they play in your group?

Panic inducing, over the top, thrill ride and an extremely exciting fun time!

Sounds amazing! And how would you describe your flavor or style of running a session?

Think the 1986 anime Fist of the North Star mixed with Mad Max but with half-lings. 

…I don’t…I mean …I’m not even sure how to…wouldn’t the halflings…well ok then. Don’t worry folks, therapists will be standing by. Moving on then how about a simple one. How many sets of dice do you own?

Only one set, with little teddy bears inside, the other 50 or so sets do not have little teddy bears inside…

Ahh yes and that brings us to the D&D cute/disturbing scale. See if a player pulls out teddy bear dice and shows them off to everyone smiling it is “cute”. However when a Dungeon Masters pulls out teddy bear dice and smiles….disturbing. I’m almost afraid to ask but what would you say is your favorite monster/creature to throw at players?

Goth girls, I mean, uumm rrr undead.  

OK that was funny, of course I can never look at a goth girl the same way again now. Now you’ve been play since crayons I have to ask, what keeps you inspired to keep creating and building your adventures and stories?

The wind, the rain, stars, moon, and waves across the water… the look on a players face when my plans all come together.

Ahh yes the point where the players faces fall and the DM smiles, made worse when he pulls out dice with little teddy bears inside them. So bringing this to a close tells us, after all these years what would you say is the best thing about playing D&D?

The friends I make while we escape the world together.   

So very true. Well Sindri thank you for taking the time to chat with us and we are looking forward to seeing you out at Broken Heroes this year! Can’t wait to see those dice!