Dungeons & Dragons is a table top game that focuses on action and adventure through storytelling and roleplaying. Dice are used to help determine how successful your actions will be.
In D&D, the players interact with each other, NPC’s, (Non-Player Characters) Monsters and the Environment, immersing themselves in adventure and story. Some players form groups or partys who explore fantasy worlds together as they embark on epic quests and level up in knowledge and experience. The Dungeon Master serves as the game’s referee and storyteller and is there to help create and add color to your world. In this world anything and everything is possible, from what you look like, to how you act, to what happens next.
The collective creativity in your D&D game builds stories that allow your character to take shape and grow through their interactions in the D&D world, whether they be the stuff of legend to absurd incidents that’ll make you laugh, cringe or cry.
Most important Dungeons and Dragons is a game of imagination and fun.